Thursday 11 October 2007


Judith was born in 1981 in Abbottabad, in Northern Pakistan, a place of pleasant valleys and wooded hills. Of the three, she spent the longest at Murree Christian School, graduating from the High School in 1999, and has continued to maintain an enormous network of links with school friends and others she has met along the way.

Leaving Pakistan, she dropped almost immediately into University life at St Andrews, and then a degree in International Relations was followed by an appointment as a Parliamentary Assistant in the European Parliament in Brussels where she still works. She attends a French speaking church and also belongs to an English speaking fellowship called “the Well” and is heavily involved in "Serve the City" and a number of other social
The budding Parliamentarian on Schuman Avenue!


Sharon was born in Sahiwal Pakistan in 1983 and had most of her schooling up to sixth form in Murree Christian School in the north of Pakistan. Train trips up and down the country between home and school were a regular feature of life in 90’s for Sharon.

Returning to Northern Ireland in 1999, she plunged into two years of Dalriada, before going on to an art foundation year in Belfast, followed by a degree in fashion communication and promotion at Central St Martins in London. There she has developed a wonderful network of friends, has been moving around between Southwark, Golders Green, Bermondsey and now Canada Wharf. She enjoys expressing her Christianity through artistic creativity and has recently been involved in the production of Hillsong Church’s new magazine.

Sharon recently with friends from Murree, Khadra, Lauri and Joy in the East End of London

Saturday 6 October 2007


Born in Sahiwal, Pakistan, in January 1989, and spent most of the first ten years in Pakistan, attending the Elementary Department of Murree Christian School. Having been with us in Coleraine from 1999 to 2007, he's lived longest in Northern Ireland of all three. Memories of Pakistan include "dal" and "roti" in wayside cafes, building treehouses in Murree, and the Bull mastiffs he played with in the neighbour's house that were bigger than he was.

In Ireland, Dalriada School in Ballymoney ha
s been very good for Colin, especially the sixth form years, and he has made many many good friends. It's been hard to leave Coleraine, but the introduction to Southampton University has gone well so far. Four years of an MEng degree in Aeronautical Engineering lie ahead, and then he'll be ready for anything.

Colin with NI friends, William, Jared and Matthew on the golf course (first and last time!!). Interests include body boarding, ultimate frisbee and poker (played for fun and not for money)